Thursday, June 30, 2011

Do You Have It In You ?

In the perplexing field of tumah and tahara we find an interesting halacha. There are some levels of impurity that are so high that they transfer (or contaminate) everything within the same room or enclosure. This is called tumas ohel. There is an exception to this rule, however (where would we be without exceptions ?). If the item in question is resting in a tightly sealed, earthenware container, then it is saved or insulated from the tumah.


Chazal teach us that an earthenware vessel is different – it is only able to contract tumah from it's inside. Meaning – if it is filled with something impure – it will be impure – otherwise, it will retain purity even in the face of an entire ohel of tumah.

We could assume that this impregnability of the earthenware vessel is due to it's tremendous importance. That assumption couldn't be further from the truth. You see, it is precisely it's unimportance that enables the earthenware vessel to act as an insulator.

Most utensils are significant in their own right. As such, if they are in an area of impurity – they contract it. A simple earthenware jug, however, is only judged vis-à-vis it's inside. Since its only importance is to protect its contents – that is the only halachic reality it has.

I believe the same can hold true for us. If we over inflate our self image and strut around believing we are all that and a bag of chips – then we will be vulnerable to any impure wind that may blow our way. However, if we see ourselves as the custodians of a holy Torah and divine mitzvos, then we become so significant – we can even insulate against impurity when no one else can !

Hatzlacha !!

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