Did Bruce Lee Really Learn Ohr HaChaim ?
In the memorable beracha that Bilaam bestows upon the Jewish people is a powerful, hidden message.
" מה טובו אהליך יעקב משכנותיך ישראל "
" How good are your tents, Jacob, your dwelling places,
The Ohr Hachaim HaKadosh points out that Bilaam is prophetically praising the Jewish people for having two different types of housing – tents (which are temporary housing) and dwellings (more permanent housing). It is specifically this diversity of housing that is so praiseworthy.
The transient tents represent those of bnei yisrael who toil for their livelihood. Despite this being a chief endeavor in their lives, they nonetheless view it as a temporary pursuit – a means to an end. Amassing a great fortune or finding material success is never viewed as a goal in its own right – it is just what may be necessary to subsist in a physical world. It is this impermanence that renders their actions commendable.
Conversely, the yidden who toil in the house of study see that as their permanent station – despite the fact that some concerns may take them out of it once in a while. It is their steadfastness and solidity that is so worthwhile.
We can even describe this praise as referring to the same people – ones who are able to mentally "switch hats" from a transitory, passing occupation to a permanent, rooted endeavor. Those who possess the ability to view one part of your day or week as being the fixture and another part as a passing errand. A Jew who has mastered the art of knowing when he is in his "tent mode" and when he is in his "dwelling mode" is certainly one deserving of praise.
This recalls a comment made by Bruce Lee, the martial arts guru. He advised the student to "be like water" – fluid and malleable when receiving a blow – but hard and forceful when delivering it.
We can take a look at our own lives – what aspects scream out to us as "tent" things – and what things are substantially more permanent ? Are we as deserving of Bilaam's beracha as the generation who received it ?
Hatzlacha !!
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