The Mishna in Avos (1:12) tells us that Aharon HaKohein was one who "loved peace and pursued peace". In fact, it was this quality that endeared him to the entire nation, causing them all to mourn him in his passing ( see Bamidbar 20:29 and Rashi there ).
How does one 'pursue peace' ? The actions seem to be contradictory. To chase something down and catch it requires forcefulness, tenacity and single minded conviction. These traits are the exact opposite of the ones we would need to increase peace and harmony – a forgiving, easygoing nature and a relaxed countenance.
So how did Aharon HaKohein do it ?
Aharon was tenacious in his forgiving, and fiercely motivated to be easygoing. He would always place before him the goal of loving his fellow Jew and would work himself to acquire it. To assume that Aharon was blessed with a relaxed personality that allowed him to forgive all would be a total disservice to his memory – he worked at it !
This week is Aharon HaKohein's yahrtzeit, on rosh chodesh Av, the day when we begin the 'nine days'. As we enter this period of national tragedy we can ask ourselves – Have I pursued peace recently ? Chasing peace doesn't mean forgiving an offense that didn't really bother you, or going out of your way when you really don't mind. Chasing peace means putting in the effort and determination of a hunter to catch his prey.
Happy Hunting !
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