Friday, August 05, 2011

The White Stuff

One of the misdeeds that Moshe Rabbeinu rebukes the Jewish people for is their disdain for the man. It is interesting to note – the 'complaint' against the man is extremely ironic. What unique property did the man have ? There was no waste generated by it. In addition to being a fundamental aspect of the man it was also an inherent kindness.

Chazal teach us that the Torah could only have been given to those who eat man. That's because only someone fueled by perfection can relate to the Torah which is correspondingly perfect. Once that generation 'brought the Torah down' into this imperfect world – now we, even in our imperfections, can learn it.

But there was an additional kindness to the man. For forty years the Jewish people never needed to worry about that aspect of personal hygiene, their cleanliness was insured.

What was so tragic about the complaint is that it was directed exactly at an aspect of Hashem's kindness. Ungratefulness epitomized.

The next time we have an 'issue' with how Hashem is running our lives – and with a particular occurrence – let us take the lesson of the man. Don't look at the glass as half empty – realize that Hashem put it there to quench our thirst.

Hatzlacha !!

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