Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Nature Vs Reality

The Gemara in Shabbos (88a) teaches us that at Har Sinai Hashem held the mountain over our heads and told us that we must accept the Torah or else He would drop the mountain.

The Sefas Emes comments that this was not a manipulative action, designed to coerce a recalcitrant people. Rather, it was an inevitable outcome of reality. All of nature is totally dependant upon Hashem and his word and nothing has any existence outside His will. The looming mountain was just a physical manifestation of that lofty principle.

In Hashem's great kindness He cloaks reality in illusion and 'nature' so that we may be free to choose our path and be ennobled by our choice.

This Shavuous let us see Hashem's world as it is – an arena for us to declare and practice allegiance to the only reality that truly exists – the will of the divine.

May we be zocheh to accept His Will see it revealed over nature once again in the final redemption, speedily and in our days, amen.

Hatzlacha !!

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