Friday, May 30, 2008

What Banner Do We March Under ?

In the desert, the Jewish people marched in a very specific formation. Their layout was actually a recreation of the places the tribes ( the sons of Yaakov Avinu themselves ) took around Yaakov Avinu's casket as they carried it to burial.

The pride and splendor of marching in their own, divinely ordained places was said to be so magnificent that the feeling of 'rightness' and belonging was forever assimilated into our national conciousness. So much so, that when the nations of the world offer us places of prominence we refuse them - because their pedestals can never compare with our own places [see Shir HaShirim 7:1 and Rashi ad loc.].

The Ramban, in his iggeres, cautions us to pursue humility - because the "hearts of men" - their admiration - is a currency that can't buy very much in terms of what is truly worthwhile.

With all this in mind we should always ask ourselves - are we pursuing our true goals ? Do we really value the camping of the shevatim over the praises of the world ?

And if we marched under our own banner - what would the insignia be ?

Hatzlacha !!

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