Sunday, June 08, 2008

Mount Of Destruction

The mishna in Pirkei Avos ( sixth perek - which isn't really part of the tractate - but that's another discussion ... ) recounts that a heavenly voice emanates from Har Chorev and warns ... "Woe to people who take part in the degradation of the Torah".

The degradation that is being referred to is those who forsake the Torah for other, more mundane, pursuits and leave the Torah forlorn - so to speak.

This is why Har Sinai is described by one of it's other names - Har Chorev - or the mountain of Churban, destruction. You see, when the Torah was given to the world - it represented a great gift - Hashem's very wisdom encapsulated and distilled in a manner that is now accessible to mere mortal man. However with that gift came the potential for great destruction - if we ignore the Torah or fail to accord it proper respect - we are culpable for a great wrong.

So why accentuate the negative ? Why stress the potential destruction rather than the great possible gain ? The Maharal explains that the negative makes a stronger impression than the positive. Hatred is more felt than love. While at first glance this may seem disheartening - it is really a potentially great point of chizzuk.

We were entrusted with the ticking time bomb of monumental proportions. Not only is the potential gain, if we properly honor and study the Torah, great - but the very fact that Hashem put that specific ball in our court is perhaps the greatest testament to His divine faith in us.

Take heart ! We are Hashem 's chosen nation - chosen, not only to proclaim Hashem's name in this world , but also to guard this world from the destruction that would follow if we ignore our noble calling.

Hatzlacha !!

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