Friday, May 02, 2008

Facing The Music

When a man is to be punished by G-d for unpardonable acts, such as idolatry, the passuk describes the process as being subject to the "face of G-d" ( see Vayikra 20: 5-6)

While Rashi understands the meaning of this phrase to be that Hashem will 'avail' Himself of the opportunity to mete out justice - since the word for face "פני" is similar to the word for being available "פנאי" - we can also understand it on it's basic pshat level.

When we commit a sin we are causing a spiritual deformity in ourselves. We were created to be a kedusha generator and any malfunction on our part detracts from our intended functioning. Now, just like with any breakage - sometimes the thing will still work when put through the regular paces. But if we were to try to operate the machine at it's maximum - the breakage would be obvious and malfunction would occur.

This is what happens when we are brought "face to face" with Hashem. Our own actions cause us to be unable to stand in the august presence of Hashem - and it is presicely this exposure that brings about our punishment.

Let us endeavor to keep our own kedusha generators in ship shape - so that when we come face to face with the presence of kedusha - instead of a punishment it will materialize as a beracha - "ברכנו אבינו באור פניך". Amen.

Hatzlacha !!

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