Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Study The Good Book - But Why ?

If you shall walk in my "chukim" … [Vayikra 26:3]

Rashi points out that the remainder of the passuk seems all inclusive of any condition that Hashem may place upon us – we must keep the mitzvos and actively fulfill them. What then, could Hashem's first condition of proper Jewish living be ? Toiling in torah study.

The Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh asks a few questions on this position :
1. Isn't Torah Study one of the aforementioned mitzvos ?
2. And if you assume that Torah Study serves as a prerequisite to fulfillment of the mitzvos – why label it a chok (law that is unfathomable by logical reason) ? Isn't it, as a prerequisite, anything but unfathomable by logic ?

Yes, torah study as a prerequisite to mitzvah observance is logical – but that's not the kind of study the passuk is referring to. When Hashem instructs us to toil in understanding of His holy words – it is a missive that goes above and beyond mere comprehension. What we are really enjoined to do is to undertake a level of dedication that defies all logic – a dedication that is a matter of simple a-logical devotion, and when we do that we will be truly worthy of the blessings that Hashem promises to shower upon us.

May we all be zocheh to achieve at least a slice of this – amen !

Hatzlacha !

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