Friday, February 08, 2013

This Religion Is Going To The Dogs

"ואנשי קדש תהיון לי ובשר בשדה טרפה לא תאכלו, לכלב תשליכון אותו" [שמות כב:ל]
“And you shall be a people of holiness, a carcass of the field you shall not eat, but rather throw it to the dogs” [Shemos 22:30]

Rashi comments that this instruction to grant meat that was not schechted properly to the dogs is an eternal gesture of gratitude to “man’s best friend”. During the exodus from Egypt the dogs were under strict divine instructions not to bark out at the leaving Jews. To thank the obedient dogs – Hashem commanded that they be given first priority in discarded meat.
Before we begin to examine this idea – let us remember – the dogs that we give the meat to are not the same dogs who refrained from ruining the atmosphere at the Israelites triumphant exit. So this overture is, in reality, completely symbolic.
More interesting, however, is the way the passuk introduces the idea. In order to be a people of holiness, we must have special restrictions that separate us from the world at large. But, just as necessary to generating that holiness is the idea that while we may be set apart by our laws – we can and must bridge the gap with our demeanor. Holiness may equal separate-ness – but it does not equal aloofness. And to really underscore the point – we even don’t hold ourselves aloof from the animals! Rather, we insist on being completely aware of even the smallest of kindnesses that they perform for us. And what’s more – we take that awareness and translate it into action. That’s true holiness.
This Shabbos – let us make an extra effort to notice all the goodness that surrounds us and even try to express our gratitude for these little things.
Hatzlacha !!

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