Friday, October 05, 2012

Lazy Days Of Succos


During the holiday of Succos, one of the highlights of the special service in the Beis HaMikdash was the water libation ("ניסוך המים"). This was actually a double libation since there was also a pitcher of wine poured as well. A Kohein would ascend the ramp leading up to the great altar and pour the two pitchers into two specially made apertures in the rim of the mizbeach.

The Shem MiShmuel comments that this dual service can be viewed through the lens of atonement and purification. We bring the wine, which has the ability to quicken our pulses and get us hot under the collar, to atone for sins that were performed with zealousness. We bring the water, symbolically the cooling agent, to atone for transgressions that resulted from an apathetic or an overly cool disposition.

Perhaps this is also why this twin service is the highlight of the succos festival. Succos is the only holiday when we can actually perform mitzvos passively. By doing "nothing" in our succah we are actually doing "something" - living in it ! This passive mitzvah performance is actually praised in the gemara with the following exceptional praise : "Rabbi Eliezer states, I praise the lazy folks during the festival [because they just stay at home in their succos and thusly accord the dwelling place greater attention and regard]." [gemara succah 27b]

And this "lazy", yet all encompassing, observance serves as an atonement for all our shortcomings in the area of apathy. Yet, it is precisely the drawing of the water for this service that was accompanied by such a fervent and enthusiastic festival that the gemara states that whoever has not seen the "simchas beis hashoeva" has not seen happiness being put into practice.

May it be the will of our creator that we excel in both the passive (lazy) and the active (wine-driven) service and that these serve as both an atonement for previous shortcomings on these areas and an inspiration for the winter ahead.

Haztlacha !!

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