Friday, October 19, 2012

A Window Into (or out of) Our Souls


The Passuk teaches us that Noach needed to make a window ("צהר") in the ark [see Bereishis 6:16 and Rashi]. Later on, the Torah discusses that during the period of judgment of the flood the heavenly spheres did not come out [see Bereishes  8:22 and Rashi].

What would Noach need a window for if the sun and moon did not come out at all ?

To look out. Sometimes we are so preoccupied with figuring out what someone or something can do for me – that we forget to think about what we can do for them. Noach may have been righteous enough to be saved from the flood, but he had many lessons in self betterment still to learn. One of the ways in which Hashem instructed him was that window.

In life, we should always make sure that we are not inured to the plight of others. In our own little protective arks – with which we navigate life's waters – we should always have a window that will enable us to look out and see what our fellow may need.

Hatzlacha !!

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