Friday, June 29, 2012

We Are All Rocks

Moshe Rabbeinu is commanded to speak to the rock and it will bring forth water. Instead, as we know, he hits the rock and the requisite water comes out [Bamidbar 20:7-11].
What message were bnei yisrael meant to take from the rock ? That even one who feels that he is barren like a rock can burst forth with a huge amount of torah. How does this happen ? Moshe was meant to illustrate to us that just hearing the word of Hashem and His firm command is sufficient. Instead, we understood that we must get hit and only then will we be cognizant of our potential to bring forth torah.
But Hashem's original message still stands. Let us crane our ears and seek out the dvar Hashem – when we hear it, truly hear it, then we, too, will be a wellspring of torah.
Hatzlacha !!

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