"תמים תהיה עם ד' א-לוקיך" [דברים יח:יג]
"You shall be unblemished with Hashem your G-d" [Devarim 18:13]
What, exactly, is supposed to be unblemished ?
There are two approaches with which we can attempt to find an answer. The first, is that our 'with-ness' or our attachment to Hashem should be unblemished. The passuk would read " You shall be without blemish in your association with Hashem ".
This is a powerful lesson in where our avodah is meant to take us. When we are just starting to acknowledge our spiritual responsibilities – we are like a kid in a candy shop – trying to gorge on good deeds and words of Torah. This period is a very big spiritual high, since we have a total gain from our actions – everything we push ourselves to do is seen as a positive act. As we mature in our service, however, we must accept that we are not just privileged to serve G-d – we are also obligated to. And when we perform a service – it may not be viewed as a gain – maybe it is what we already owe. To this the passuk teaches – let your service of Hashem be without blemish. Let your understanding be such that you realize that you carry obligations to Hashem in addition to the privilege of being able to discharge them. And when you see the greater picture of the scope of your service – you will truly be without blemish in your service – for neither your ego ( self congratulatory over having performed so much good ) nor your conscience ( nagging over the deficiencies in your avodah ) will get between you and your Creator.
The second approach is a beacon to all seekers of spirituality and understanding. If you seek to be without blemish – you must cleave to Hashem your G-d. There are others who will offer other (inferior) means of attaining enlightenment and perfection. This passuk comes on the heels of an entire parsha of false prophets and soothsayers. But if you want the true path to self betterment ? You can be "tamim" – you can achieve a blemish free status. But only with Hashem, your G-d.
Let us take chizzuk from these concepts – that we can reach great heights – as long as we remember to take the Torah path to get there. And that we must strive for a blemish free service – neither too full of our successes nor too distraught over our failures – just attempting to hold fast to Hashem with all of our might.
Haztlacha !!
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