"כי תהיין לאיש שתי נשים אחת אהובה ואחת שנואה ... " [דברים כא:טו]
"And if a man has two wives, one whom he loves and one whom he hates … "
[Devarim 21:16]
While the simple meaning of the passuk is referring to a case where one wife is actually despised – the baalei mussar reveled to us that the passuk teaches us a deeper lesson in the laws of human affection. If a man has two wives and he feels / displays more affection for one – all his protestations of adoration for the other will fall on deaf ears. As far as she is concerned – her husband hates her.
The pesukim we say every day when we bind our fingers with the teffillin describe our relationship with Hashem.
" וארשתיך לי לעולם וארשתיך לי בצדק ובמשפט ובחסד וברחמים: וארשתיך לי באמונה וידעת את ד' "
[הושע ב:כא-כב]
" And I will be betrothed to you forever, and I will be betrothed to you through acts of justice, law, kindness and mercy. And I will be betrothed to you in faith and you will know Hashem. " [Hoshea 2:21-22]
Additionally, when Hashem granted us the torah at Har Sinai, he went forth to greet us – like a bridegroom greeting his bride – and held the mountain over our heads as a chuppah ! In essence, on a national level, we are married to Hashem.
Applying the message of the despised wife – how do we treat our 'spouse' ? Do we love Hashem – just love other things a bit more ? How would Hashem take this ?
Let us recommit to prioritizing our most important relationship – so that it should not suffer disastrous consequences – and may we all be judged to a year of good health and good tidings !
Hatzlacha !!
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