Friday, January 01, 2010

The Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune

Yaakov Avinu instructs his son Yosef in the art of Jewish warfare. He mentions that he took the city of Shechem with his sword and bow [see bereishis 48:22]. The targum Onkelos transalates this to mean "with my prayers and [heavenward] requests".

Why does Yaakov Avinu refer to his teffilos as instruments of war ?

Because when a Jew steps up before his Maker to offer up words of praise or request it is the most powerful force in the universe - as such the yetzer hara is constantly trying to de-rail his concentration. In battle we never lose focus of the enemy - in davening we should never lose focus of He before whom we stand.

In another, deeper analogy, we may understand two types of prayers.
Teffila is an outpouring of praise and thanks to Hashem - and like the sword that Yaakov represents it with - the more effort you put into the strike - the deeper it will go. But the bow of requests is another story - in order to make the arrow fly farther - I must pull the bow further towards myself ( in fact - towards my heart). The more I internalize the truth that without Hashem granting me my requests, no force on earth ( or above it) will make them come true - the greater distance towards heaven my requests will fly.

Hatzlacha !!

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