1. The Parasha and Sefer that details the descent into exile is known as Shemos. Why does the Torah emphasize that the names of Bnei Yisrael were important ?
Because the names and the keeping of them were a pivotal factor in the maintenance of Jewish self identity that les the yidden to be redeemed. Hashem always, but always, prepares the salve before inflicting the wound.
Secondly, the sefer is referred to by the Ramban as the sefer of the galus and the geulah. A quick look at the Parshios of Shemos shows us the the Ramban is teaching us that the building of a Mishkan to house the shechina within our camp is the final redemption from an exile so spiritually depraved as mitzrayim.
By this token we can ask ourselves - in what exile are we currently languishing ?
What will symbolize our redemption ?
What are we doing about it ?
Hatzlacha !!
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