This is never more evident than when He wants to give something. When a man bestows a gift upon another - he is simply concerned that the gift be appropriate and well received. There is no way for a person to follow up and make sure that the gift is acctually having the desired effect of making the recipient's life better.
Hashem, however, is different. When He grants us the "triple blessing" of the kohanim - Hashem actually, subtely, doubles each bracha.
"יברכך ד' וישמרך" - Hashem will give you blessing, but He will also guard you to ensure that that blessing is not taken from you.
"יאר ד' פניו אליך ויחנך" - Hashem will shine His presence upon you - all your actions will be blessed by a divine seal, but He will also grant you grace so that others do not feel your blessed actions are ill deserved.
"ישא ד' פניו אליך וישם לך שלום"
Hashem will show you favoritism, but He will also grant you peace so that others who are not shown this favoritism are not alienated by it and do not hold it against you.
May we be zocheh to see the doubling of all berachos in our lives - and may we hear these berachos echiing in the halls of the beis hamikdash, bimhaira beyameynu, amen.
Hatzlacha !!
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