Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Healthy Kabbalas HaTorah

Chazal learn from the pesukim [Shemos 20:15 & Shemos 19:8] that there were no sick or disabled Jews at Har Sinai, rather they were all cured.

Why ?

Was Hashem going to prevent the Jews from ever falling pray to these things in the future ? No. So why not get us used to things as they will be instead of creating an artificial haven ? If we will be responsible for keeping the Torah under these conditions – shouldn't we also receive the Torah under them as well ?


I can't receive the Torah bogged down by illness or cluttered by preconceived notions – I must accept it as a tabula rasa, a clean slate.

If I see the Torah as a band aid to solve my problems, as an all purpose "Dear Abby" -  then when the going is smooth I would feel justified in ignoring it completely (Chas VeShalom !)

I must realize that while the Torah holds solutions to all of life's little problems and has priceless guidance to offer on coping with all of the difficulties that come up – that is not its primary purpose. The Torah is there to teach us what to do and how to serve Hashem, especially when things are going right !

This Shavuos, let's not look for how the Torah can fix our lives – let's plan our lives around the Torah and in this zechus may we merit to see the centrality of the Torah in our tragedy and sickness free lives, amen.

Hatzlacha !!

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