Friday, November 21, 2008

A Blessing In Disguise ?

When Lavan sees that nothing will dissuade his sister, Rivka, from following Eliezer back to Canaan – he gives her an interesting beracha.

“May you have thousands of descendants and may your children defeat their enemies”
[Bereishis 24:60]

This is the same Lavan who will later attempt to cheat Yaakov out of 20 years worth of salaries. The same one who was so completely selfish as to chase down Eliezer just to find his money – where does he get the altruism to offer a beracha ?

Answer is – he doesn’t. Lavan’s beracha is actually a parting shot – a spiteful, hateful interjection that is perfectly in line with Lavan’s character. When Rivka is offered a ‘way out’ of her father’s ( and brother’s ) household – Lavan feels jealous and threatened – his sister should be there to do his bidding, period – and if she is to marry – let the groom come here ! When Rivka shows her determination to leave immediately Lavan attempts to sow within her mind the seeds of his own malcontent. As Rashi [ad. Loc.] points out – his beracha for the descendents was that they come from Rivka and not another wife. His ‘beracha’ – if we can still call it that – reads more like this –

“Hope you don’t play second fiddle to some other wife and that your kids don’t all die out in wars !”

Clearly, we can see Lavan has nothing but his own selfish grudges in mind.

And us ? Well – presumably we aren’t as spiteful as Lavan ( Chas VeShalom ! ) but everyone could use another perspective on their comments – before we say something – think – will it come out as we mean it ? Or will it be a ‘beracha’ that is really jealousy or pettiness in disguise ?

Hatzlacha !!

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