Friday, November 07, 2008

Are We The Eyes and Ears Of Hashem ?

When Hashem commands Avram to enter with Him into a covenant He changes his name as well. Avram becomes Avraham.

Rashi, quoting the gemara in nedarim [32b], points out that before the bris Avraham was lacking (control or holiness of) five limbs - two eyes, two ears and the male organ. With the bris, Avraham increased these five limbs and had to correspond with an extra "ה" in his name.

What does having a bris milah have to do with the ears and eyes ?

A bris is not just circumcision - elective surgery performed for comfort or health. A bris is a sign - a declaration that we are allied to, and servants of, Hashem.

As servants we see things differently – not just in terms of how they will affect us – but rather, how will they affect all of our interests – which are really our master's interests. We even hear things differently. What might have been a benign comment becomes a malicious slight if the honor of my Master is involved.

The challenge for us is obvious – we have one aspect of the bris milah. But have we really fixed our other limbs ? Do we see things in terms of the chillul or kiddush Hashem that they will cause ? And our ears ? When we hear of an idea or goal that is antithetical to Torah does it sound wrong ? Or perhaps, do we have to make a conscious decision that it is wrong ?

IY"H we will all affirm our covenant with Hashem to the point that what we see and what we hear will reflect not only our choice to serve G-d but also our status as current servants of Hashem.

Hatzlacha !!.

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