Friday, October 10, 2008

Are We Now Locked Out ?

When we daven the final prayer of Yom Kippur we are cognizant of the awesome day's ending and the gates of heaven closing. That is why the tefilla is called "neilah".

The Zohar states that when we shout at the end, "Hashem Hu HaE-lokim" seven times - we are actually breaking through the seven levels of Shamayim and revealing Hashem's presence as exclusive in each one. Alternatively, the shechina, which was palpably present during Yom Kippur and all of the days of awe ( as the passuk states - "... call out to Him when He is near" - those are the aseres ymei teshuva ) is actually retreating into the higher spheres which are its usual domain.

I remember reading in one of the "seforim kedoshim" ( meaning some holy book, the identity of which has long escaped my memory ) that when Hashem locks the gates at the end of Neilah - he is not locking us out - on the contrary ! All that retreating into the heavens is actually just a 'hook' that pulls us with Him ! Hashem may be locking the doors but He is locking us in ! That is why our very next holiday is described as us sitting in the shade of He in Whom We Believe.

May we merit a clear understanding and feeling of being "locked in" with the holy presence and may our entire year reflect this closeness with G-d that we have now acheived.

Hatzlacha !!

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