Friday, July 25, 2008

Last Act Of Sacrifice

When Moshe Rabbeinu is commanded to fight the Midianites and then 'hang up his spurs', he doesn't hesitate one bit - but rather pushes ahead full steam with plans for the battle. Many reasons are given for this - and all of them indicate Moshe's praise. Some contend that Moshe would not delay a battle to avenge the honor of G-d, while others point out that Moshe would always perform every mitzva alacritiously - even if it was his last act alive.

I would like to add the following explanation - Moshe's love for Eretz Yisrael. Knowing that he would not bring the people into the land, Moshe actually hastened to perform his final mitzva so as not to delay their entrance into the land.

Parshas Mattos is usually read during the three weeks - a time of national tragedy. The anchor of this sad time is our abuse and disregard of Hashem's special 'daled amos', eretz yisrael. With his final act Moshe is trying to teach us how to be moser nefesh for this great zchus - even without entering it himself ! Sadly, at the end of the parasha we see that the shevatim of Gad and Reuven ( and half of Menashe ) didn't learn this lesson.

But we can !

Whether we have been privileged to live in Eretz Yisrael or just been here as a visitor - if we would internalize this, the last message of Moshe Rabbeinu, and see the land for it's immense and awesome importance - perhaps we will merit to reverse this period of time from sadness to gladness and from our current exile to redemption, bimheira beyameinu, amen.

Hatzlacha !!

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