Regarding the most basic of all the korbanos - the korban Olah - the passuk makes an interesting association.
"Olas tamid ha'asuya behar sinai lereiach nichoach, ishei l'Hashem" [Bamidbar 28:6]
"An Olah sacrifice that is brought consistently, as is was brought on mount Sinai, a pleasing aroma, a burnt offering to Hashem" [Bamidbar 28:6]
Why the comparison to Har Sinai ? There were no sacrifices brought on Har Sinai ?
The Sefas Emes offers an explanation. There are two modes that man functions in. A journey to raise man's personal level of kedusha and to raise the levels of kedusha of the surrounding world, and a static mode - for when man has reached the source of kedusha.
Most of the time we are journeying, attaining higher levels of kedusha - but at times we are zocheh to tap into and be present at the root of all kedusha - Hashem Himself. At these times we are similar to the angels who are always before G-d. At those times our service of Him is categorized by standing, just like the angels stand.
This second, holier type of avodah is the highest form we practice - and is represented in every experience we had as a nation when we were in the presence of the Root of All Kedusha. At Har Sinai - we stood, like the angels. The avodah in the beis hamikdash is done standing - in deference to the shechina that rests there - and even in our private davening - the pinnacle is the section called the 'Amidah'.
And there is a connection between all these avodahs - that's why the korban Olah is reffered to as having been 'made' on Har Sinai - because the service of Hashem that we perform with the korban is similar to the experience we had at Har Sinai - tapping into the Root Of All Kedusha.
May we all be zocheh to realize that we stand before the Root Of All Kedusha three times a day - and in this realization may we be soon in the presence of the shechina in the Beis HaMikdash, bringing the korban Olah as it was 'brought' on Har Sinai, bimheira byameinu, amen.
Hatzlacha !!
Friday, July 18, 2008
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