Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Arava : Sins or Supplications

The day of "Great Hoshanna" is almost upon us. If we notice, the major player of the day is not the beautiful esrog ( compared to a scholar filled with torah and good deeds ) or even the strong Lulav ( compared to a scholar who has, at least, Torah study to his credit ) rather, the plain arava – with no merit and no redeeming factors ( it has no fragrance – to indicate good deeds, nor does it produce sweet/or any fruit – to indicate Torah study ).

Why the arava ? Let us offer a few suggestions.

Firstly, the sifrei mussar speak about the Arava's symbolic meaning ( of a Jew with no merits ) as being apropos for us. In the final calculation can we really stand before G-d and declare that we have righteous actions to our credit ? On Hoshanna Rabba - the day that the final notes are being made in our judgment for the year to come – we come before G-d with humility and declare ourselves aravos, and pray mercy and salvation from Hashem. Not because we deserve it but because He is the great redeemer. " ! אנא ד' הושיעה נא "

Secondly, the Sefer Toda'ah quotes the idea of our sages, that the arba'a minim are also compared to parts of our body. The arava is meant to compare to lips. It is extremely fitting, then, that we take the species that resembles our mouth and use it to offer our prayers to Hashem on this awesome day. This is why the Ushpizin guest of this day is Dovid Hamelech – the composer of praises and supplications ( that we use our mouth to say ) to G-d.

Thirdly, the art of prayer is compared to water in the passuk "שפכי כמים לבך נוכח פני ד" "Pour out your heart like water, in the presence of Hashem". While all four minim need water to survive, the arava is particularly in need of water. It often grows on river banks to be near a water source. It is the first to dry out when kept out of water. On this important day – we don't want to just pray – we want to epitomize prayer with all of our actions.

Lastly, there are the letters that spell out the word arava ( ערבה ). They could easily be rearranged to spell out aveira ( עברה ). So why do we approach G-d with our sins in hand ? Because it's much better than hiding them behind our back. We know that we are imperfect and when we daven we are beseeching the almighty for mercy and salvation – not justice. At the conclusion of the Hoshannos we actually beat the arava bundle on the ground – signifying our rejection of our aveiros. The letters of aveira ( עבירה ) can also be rearranged – to form the word areiva ( עריבה ) ( pleasant or good ). So how do aveiros become pleasing before G-d ? Through this process of acknowledging them, taking them by the hand ( so as to speak ) and giving 'em a good couple of thwaks on the ground.

May we all be zocheh to own up to our shortcomings, stand before Hashem in pleading supplication and merit having a "gut kvittel", a good note, entered into the book of tzaddikim in our name. Amen.

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