Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Song Of Praise

"רננו צדיקים בד' לישרים נאוה תהילה"
[ תהילים לג:א ]

" Sing your praises of G-d, O righteous ones, the praise of those who walk in the straight paths is beautiful "

What is the defining factor in the "value" of praises to G-d ? Not how well it sounds or even how sincere it is. The most beautiful praise is praise that comes from an intimate knowledge of Hashem's ways.

If I glance at a painting and declare it to be wonderful - certainly that would be nice - but it would pale in comparison to a master artist declaring the same thing ! That's why Dovid Hamelech tells the righteous to sing of Hashem's wonders - they are the ones that can really expound upon them.

What about the rest of us ?

The gemara introduces a concept of a talmid-chacham-in-one-topic. Let us attempt to become a tzaddik in one aspect - before any praise or thanks to Hashem, take an extra moment or two to think about how great a kindness Hashem has granted you and how you would fare without it.

May all our shiros vetishbachos take on the aspect of Rannenu Tzaddikim and may we then be zocheh to bring mashiach, bimheira byameinu, amen.

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