Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Disgrace Of G-d

The Torah teaches us that if we execute capital punishment by hanging that we shouldn't leave the body hanging because it is a disgrace to G-d - since we are created in His image.

Rashi quotes the Medrash that explains this by way of an allegory : There were once twin brothers. One became an important governmental minister, and the other became a thief. One day the thief was caught and sentenced to death. He was hung on a tree - and all passersby thought it was the minister and the minister was greatly shamed.

Now this story refers to the physical resemblance between the two brothers - surely this is not what the medrash meant when it said that we are created in G-d's image ?!

When we say that we are a Tzelem Elokim we are describing our similarity to Hashem in our ability to choose good over evil. Hashem has free will to choose - and it is in that aspect that He granted us His likeness.

Now we see why it is a disgrace to G-d to leave a person hanging on a tree - it is the very same G-d-like bechira that the perpetrator abused and landed himself in this mess. And therefor it is specifically the misuse of this likeness to G-d that the executed is showcasing by being hung a tree for his crimes. That's why we don't leave him up there - to not harp on the disgrace of free choice and it's consequences.

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