The entire story of Purim is one big mystery. The miracle is understated and behind the scenes. For the story to be so subtle is understandable - the whole point of the miracle was that it should be hidden from the casual observer. But why should the biblical narrative emphasize this? Surely we could have a more explicit story that would point out the divinely inspired turning points in the great saga that is the Purim Tale?
If we were to do that, however, we would lose the real message of purim. The idea is not simply to look for the hidden hand of Gd and respond in a loud and raucous praise. That's only scratching the surface. Rather, just like Hashem demonstrates his love for us through these subtle behind-the-scenes ways - we should also harbor in our own actions and feelings a powerful hidden love for the Ribbono Shel Olam - it doesn't need to come out in huge garish displays of fervor - it just needs to be there. That's why the heroine of the story was called Esther or 'hidden one'. It was her hidden reserve of devotion to the One Above that gave her the ability to sacrifice all for her people.
May we be zocheh to a purim filled with deep and abiding devotion to the One Above. Amen.
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