Monday, December 04, 2006

The sound of silence

The Medrash ( Tanchuma Parashas Pekudei ) compares the various stages of a person's life and afterlife with the four significant events that surrounded the ascension of Eliyahu HaNavi to heaven. The final, and perhaps, most awe inspiring of the four is the silence. It is compared to the final judgment before the throne of glory.

Probably the most powerful attribute of silence is its inevitability. No matter how much noise you make or how many distractions you set up - it's always out there, waiting for your noise to give out or your distraction to finish. It seems as if silence is the inevitable force in the universe - it's the default -to counter it you need to add, to do.

That's probably why the medrash compares it to the final judgment - it's coming, no matter what. And just like silence - it only scares us if we have something to be afraid of. A righteous person - finds comfort and serenity in silence, a wicked one - accusations and guilt.

What do you find ?

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