Thursday, December 21, 2006

8 days, but why ?

A famous question asked in relation to Chanukah is : If the little jug had sufficient oil to last one day - wasn't the miraculous aspect of the lighting only seven days ? Shouldn't we then have a seven day holiday instead ?

The answers are many - That in simply finding the oil there was a miracle; that the extra day commemorates the military victory; that they only filled up an eighth of the oil cups in the Beis Hamikdash ( so the miracle was evident even on the first day ) - are among them.

I heard another answer that I believe merits to be shared. This was inspired by a very chashuve bochur in my neighborhood.

After years of battle and watching many comrades perish, the Maccabies would be, perhaps, justified in a certain cooling of their dedication to the cause - after seeing the heavy toll that it took. The miracle was not just the oil that was there to be lit - but also the fire ( double meaning intended ) to light it !

If we ever find ourselves triumphing in a struggle and then losing perspective once we've won - maybe we can find inspiration amongst our ancestors - that had the courage to see the fight through and stay the cause afterwards.

Happy Chanukah !

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