Wednesday, July 26, 2006

G-d is Good. Period.

As we approach the nine days and the ninth day, we conduct ourselves in a certain morbid mentality. Let's face it - we mourn.

Why ?

Because a number of things went wrong on this day - but most of all - the meraglim. The spies that said we couldn't go into Eretz Yisrael and conquer it. And us ? We believed them !! And we cried. So, we cry now for real.

To bring back the Beis Hamikdash and to be metaken the sorrow here - let's attempt to fix the 'root' of this day of tears. Let's repeat to ourselves - G-d is Good. G-d is GOOD ! If He says it - it goes. Period. No doubts. No second guessing. He does what's for the best - even if it hurts.

May we be zocheh to internalize this lofty concept - and may it bring us to a level of emuna that will hearken the return of the dynasty of David and the moshiach, amen.

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