Saturday, June 17, 2006

Your Own Version of Michelangelo

Gut Voch ! ( that's 'good week' in yiddish)

You know what a week is like - a new week, like the one that is starting ? Like a canvas - bright, white and full of possibilities. Why do we get excited when we see lots of equipment and materials (for any project) just waiting to get used ? Because the excitement is for potential. The more potential we see - the more excited we get.
That's why we have a certain energy on Motzaei Shabbos - it's our inner excitement at the plain, white, pristine canvas-of-a-week that we are given to paint our actions and intentions on.

Just like you would consider it a waste of time to give fancy equipment to a child - Hashem would also consider it a waste to give the opportunities of time to those who would squander it. So it seems like Hashem has an awful lot of faith in how you spend your/His time. He trusts you to make the week a success.

Go ahead, make that first splash of color on your canvas-of-a-week. And, make it a bright one !

Happy painting.

R' Druyan

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