Monday, June 12, 2006

On Birds & Other Harbingers

I traveled today with my seventh graders to a park in Tel Aviv - whereupon we proceeded to paddleboat and make general merriment. Towards the end of the day, as we were sitting on the ground enjoying some twig-turned hotdogs ( we forgot utensils ) we heard the birds chirping. Why were they chirping ? Because it was shkiya time and the birds always sing at shkiya time. They also sing at sunrise. The reason is actually quite amusing. Birds have no memory - so they've forgotten, by morning, about the great big yellow warm orb in the sky. When they see it appear (out of nowhere!) they sing their praises to He Who Brought it. At night, they sing about their fear at its disappearance (forgetting completely that it will reappear tomorrow).

Two lessons.

One - did we thank Hashem ( really thank Him ) for the sun today ? Yesterday ? Maybe it's time we pay attention in the first Bracha of Birchos Krias Shema and really mean our thanks to Hashem for this miracle.
Two - The birds realize when they are about to enter a period without something good. When they are going to lose out. They prepare for it.

Do we ?

'till next time,
R' Druyan

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