Friday, January 11, 2013

But, Why ?!?


The Torah is not merely a book of history. It is a book of instruction. One may wonder – what instructions are hidden in the horrific plagues that beat ancient Egypt, and it's meglomaniacal despot, into submission ?

The answer may very well lie in the last pesukim that describe the seventh plague – hail. Makkas Barad was a profoundly explosive attack upon Mitzrayim, in which millions of hail missiles rained down, causing incredible levels of destruction. Immediately following this plague, however, the Torah testifies as to which crops were destroyed and which survived (see Shemos 9:31-32). Rav Moshe Feinstein, Zatzal, teaches us that this is because no destruction is arbitrary.

In a winter season when many are affected by storms and the damage to property has reached epic proportions – we may yet need to internalize the lesson of the hailstones. Not a single hailstone fell at random – and neither does anything else.

Please, G-d, when we can say that our full and perfect belief in the Hashgacha that Hashem employs in the world is standing firm – we will be able to rejoice in the fifth statement of redemption – "והבאתי" and will merit the coming of Moshiach, amen.

Hatzlacha !!

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