Thursday, March 01, 2012

To Honor The King


Parshas Terumah is where the Torah tells us about the mishkan (tabernacle) and all the keillim (holy vessels) used therein. Parshas Tetzaveh is where we are instructed in the intricacies of the clothing worn by the kohanim and the methods of their induction into service. There is one exception, however. All the way at the end of Parshas Tetzaveh, after we have long finished discussing the keillim used in the mishkan, does the Torah teach us about the inner, mizbeach hazahav (golden altar). The mizbeach hazahav was used for the most sublime of the temple services the offering of the ketores (incense).

Why does the Torah discuss the mizbeach hazahav out of place?

The Seforno contends with this difficulty and his answer offers us an incredible insight into the service of the Creator.

Much of the avodah within the mishkan was dedicated towards one goal – establishing a dwelling place for the shechina down here amongst the physical world. This was done by dedicating ourselves to a very detailed service and by building an incredibly intricate edifice for the purpose. The ketores, however, was not brought to establish the mishkan as a fitting resting place for the shechina. It was brought in honor and recognition of that fact. The shechina would have dwelled in the mishkan without the ketores, but we would have been lacking in our honor to Hashem if we didn't offer it.

This leads us to an incredible analysis. Every day we serve Hashem in countless ways. We bring Him into our life by thanking and praising Him for all that He has done for us and by demonstrating kindnesses that are in His image and under His direction. We even toil to understand His holy word that He gave us at Sinai. To complete the picture, however, we need to honor His holy presence as well. We do this by adding a dimension of beauty to our service.

A nicer esrog or a fancy meggilah case is not just adding a touch of class to our mitzvos, its actually a recognition of the fact that by doing those mitzvos, we are bringing the shechina into our lives, and according the divine presence its due honor. Next time we perform a mitzvah, let us endeavor to do it with an extra flourish, not just to show how much we love the mitzvah, but also to display our boundless love for Hashem, whom we honor by its performance. And in the merit of our little ketores-like observances, may we merit to see the rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash speedily in our days, where we will once again offer the real ketores and it will rise as a pleasing fragrance before Hashem. Amen.

Hatzlacha !!

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