Friday, December 02, 2011

Say It With Love (To That Lazy Bum!)


When Yaakov arrives at the well in Charan, he asks the locals if they know Lavan. After exchanging a few more pleasantries, he tells the shepherds that their daily work is not yet completed – why are they just lounging around the well instead of grazing their flocks?
What kind of answer could we expect for this bit of intrusive rebuke?! Probably a choice word or two. But, incredibly, the shepherds answer him! Why did they seem to accept Yaakov's rebuke?
The reason for this is Yaakov's sincerity.
When we have difficulty accepting rebuke it is because we sense the veiled criticism that may accompany it. But, if the rebuke is filled with loving sincerity – you can't help but receive it well.
This is a powerful lesson to us at both the giving and receiving end of the rebuke spectrum. When receiving any reproof – let us try to feel the honest caring that is behind it (even if only partially). And when delivering any rebuke we must only be thinking of the good of the other person.

Hatzlacha !

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