Friday, April 01, 2011

Would It Make A Sound ?

If a tree falls in the forest - right ?

Actually, one of the observances of the metzorah once he is declared impure is to call out "impure, impure" as he leaves the camp for his isolation and penance.

Why ?

Two approaches can be seen in the words of the sages.

The first, refers to the metzorah's requirement to warn others lest they be contaminated by him. This is said expicitly by the Targum Yonasan.

The second approach carries a valuable lesson. If there were no one around - he would still have to call out his status. It is not so much a warning to others as a declaration of his offensive status. It is also part of his penance. This is, perhaps, hinted at by the targum Onkelos and certainly in the Kli Yakar. The tzaraas affliction came as a result of haughty and degrading language. It is only fitting for someone who used his mouth for evil - to be forced to "drink the bitter cup" of castigation - with the same voice.

And our lesson ? When we find hat we have been deficient or lacking in an area of our service to the divine - the best way to return is toi seek ways to reverse the exact damage - with the same limbs.

Hatzlacha !!

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