Thursday, August 12, 2010

Heeding The Call Of The Shofar

What does the blowing of the Shofar mean to us ?
What should we be feeling ?

Not just fear.

The shofar of Rosh Hashanna is the heralding bugle of the divine chariot. But the shofar of Elul is different. The shofar of elul is a reminder of the shofar of creation.

When the passuk tells us that Hashem "... breathed into him [Adam] a soul of life ..." [Bereishis 2:7] Chazal teach us that the funnel for transferring that soul was the shofar. When we hear it it should bring to mind that we have a "prime directive", manufacturer's instructions, as it were.

Additionally, the shofar is also the battle charge - and what are we charging against ? Our yetzer hara, of course. A battle charge strengthens the hearts of the timid and gives resolve to the faltering. May we derive such inspiration and chizzuk from the shofar - and with it boldly step towards a Rosh Hashanna of Malchus Shamayim - the undisputed Sovereign Reign of Heaven.

Hatzlacha !!

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