Friday, March 05, 2010

Ahhhhhh, Smells Great !

Why did Hashem command us to have, as part of our service to Him, ketores ?

The Korbanos are necessary for two reasons - firstly, we must envision ourselves being sacrificed upon the altar if we are to achieve the proper remorse and penance for our misdeeds; secondly, the very act of slaughtering something is a very fundamental act - making us acutely aware that the service in which we slaughter is of paramount importance.

But incense ?

The message of the incense is important too.

Chazal teach us that of the myriad of spices the "chelbna" had a horrible odor. But, the ketores was invalid without it. A sacrifice is the 'meat and potatoes' of worship - incense is the icing on the cake. Any one person can bring a sacrifice - but the ketores was only brought by all the Jews.

With a sacrifice we offer Hashem our selves in service. With ketores we offer Him our unity.

What have we done to bring the service of ketores back ?

Hatzlacha !!

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