" תחת אשר לא עבדת את ד' א-לוקיך בשמחה ובטוב לבב מרב כל"
"Because you did not serve Hashem your G-d with happiness and a good heart despite having it all"
[דברים כח:מז]
Literally, the passuk actually says that we will be thusly afflicted - "In exchange for" our lack of divine service.
How can we understand this barter ? If I give you something you can give me something in return - and if I refrain from giving you something - then you will, in exchange, refrain from giving me something. What can the passuk mean ?
Olam Hazeh is not only a smorgasbord of mitzvah opportunities - it's also a gauntlet of nisyonos. Every success is wonderful - but every failure, in parallel, is horrible. When we do not serve Hashem we are actually performing an act - an act of rejection - and the price of that rejection on the divine barter scale is the terrifying curses mentioned in the Tochacha.
May we be zocheh to dedicate our efforts to the proper service of Hashem - and may all of our currency be the positive kind.
Hatzlacha !!
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