Thursday, March 19, 2009

Looking out for number one



When the haggaddah says that if Hashem had not redeemed us from Pharaoh's clutches then we would surely be enslaved there until today.


What does this mean ?! That in 2009 we would still be there ?


It is referring to what the redemption is all about – freeing ourselves not just from the land of Mitzrayim – but also from the tumah of mitzrayim. We would all still be enslaved to the ideology of Pharaoh in Egypt – namely self worship.


When and how are we guilty of this heinous sin of self worship ? Perhaps more frequently than we know.


What is our number one priority ? Self or Hashem ? Is doing mitzvos contingent on how I feel or what my mood is ?


Since this is such a slippery pit of self aggrandizement – we need constant salvation from it. So every year, no matter how wise, or how knowledgeable we are – we still repeat the story and miracles of the redemption from Egypt – because it is precisely this reminder that will serve as our booster shot – against the terrible infection of self worship.


May it be Hashem's will, that just as we were redeemed from bondage in Nissan – so too may we be redeemed again, and celebrate this Pesach in the hills of Yerushalayim, in the courtyard of the rebuilt temple, amen.

Hatzlacha !!

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