"ויחד יתרו על כל הטובה אשר עשה השם לישראל אשר הצילו מיד מצרים"
ספר שמות פרק יח
"Yisro was gladdened by all of the good that Hashem did for Israel, that He saved them from the hands of Egypt"
[Shemos 18:9]
Why was Yisro so happy that Hashem saved the Jews from the hands of Egypt, per se ? Certainly the operative function was the salvation of the oppressed - from whomever it is that is oppressing them ?!
With this Yisro teaches us a new meaning of happiness. It isn't just about the redemption of the downtrodden and the new light and hope that is coming to them - it's also about the punishment and destruction that are the deserved lot of those who abuse their power and flout G-d's will.
Happiness, therefore, is a sort of fulfilment - a righting of wrongs, on both sides of the equation, that sets the world back in a shape where the hand of Hashem is more clearly seen.
May we be zocheh to the ultimate happiness with the final redemption, and see all of Bnei Yisrael's - and therefore Hashem's - enemies punished swiftly and justly, bimhaira beyameinu, amen.
Hatzlacha !!
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