Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fight, Fight, Fight !

When the Torah tells us that Yaakov Avinu fought with an angel – we must ask ourselves, what was he fighting for, or against ?

The Medrash explains that this was the personal, guardian angel of Esav, whom Yaakov was due to meet in the morning. The Medrash, elaborates, however, that Esav had the distinct privilege of having as a 'guardian' angel – Samael or Satan. As to what they were fighting about – well – Samael, explains the Kli Yakar, is derived from the Aramaic word לסמא meaning to blind. Samael was attempting to blind Yaakov Avinu to the presence of G-d in this world.

How did Samael think that he could persuade a tzaddik of Yaakov's caliber that there is no G-d ? By rolling around in the dust – or the dust of Lashon Hara. When slander is used ( literal mudslinging as it were ) then we are inclined to let it's insidious influence penetrate, no matter how absurd.

So how does Yaakov emerge victorious from this encounter ? When the dawn of clarity and light comes up. And what is Samael's parting shot ? Yaakov's thigh – an allusion to his offspring. Yaakov Avinu won't fall for this ploy but of his children there will be those who do.

How can we overcome this challenge, the challenge to see the divine hand of goodness in everything despite the mudslinging of the Satan ? Like Yaakov – wait and see the dawning of a new day. Both literally and figuratively – when we experience the miracle that is renewal ( from the minutiae like a new day to the incredible like the birth of a child ) we are once again connected with the source of all renewal – The Source of All Good. Hashem.

Hatzlacha !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

arent there those that say samael is the yetzer hara also how does the whole not eating the gid hanashe apply today(im trying to prepare a class on it)