Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Once In The Morning & Once In The Evening

So what's the most important passuk in the Torah ?

One opinion has it as "Shema Yisrael..." but a different opinion actually places the passuk in our parasha. " את הכבש אחד תעשה בבקר ואת הכבש השני תעשה בין הערביים " "One sheep shall be offered in the morning and the second sheep shall be offered in the twilight".

Why is this passuk the most important ?

Because a cornerstone of our beliefs is that whatever it is we believe and hold dear to - it must be practised. It's not enough to belong to a group with the right ideas, or to celebrate the proper holidays and sabbaths. Real Jewish Practice demands daily service. It should be evident by our daily schedule that we are serving G-d.

Especially in summer months when regular structure is not at it's finest ( for those in education related fields ) we need to redouble our self discipline to make sure our days are filled with service of Hashem - at the very least - Once in the Morning and once in the Evening.

Hatzlacha !

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