Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What Can the Torah Do For Me ?

The mishna in Avos [6:1] points out that one who learns Torah is treated to all sorts of beneficial side effects. In addition, the mishna says that learning torah acts as a prerequisite for being a tzaddik. "ומכשרתו להיות צדיק"
Why doesn't learning Torah grant one immeddiate 'tzidkus' ? Why does it only serve as a prerequisite ?
Even if one learns and absorbs the learning - it still takes a specific, concerted effort to see results. If you learn Torah and feel that the learning is enough, that personality development is not for you - you may, chas veshalom, end up like R' Akiva's students - steeped in Torah but unable to relate properly to their fellow man.
Sefiras HaOmer is a time uniquely suited for this particular avodah...
Let's do it !

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