Friday, April 27, 2007

To Do or Just To Hang Out ?

So according to the Ramban, the mitzva of "Kedoshim Tihiyu - Thou Shall be Holy" is avoiding the excesses that would otherwise seem permissible. According to Rashi, the mitzva focuses more on restraint ( bordering on total avoidance ) from excesses in the particular field of arayos.

Either way, I think the requirement is to have a more definitive purpose to our actions. Not just to do because the option presents itself, or avoid for lack of opportunity - rather to have a specific mode of conduct that one pursues.

Let's be Kedoshim in the strictest, literal sense of the word - let our actions be firmly dedicated toward accomplishing positive things instead of simply hovering outside the boundaries of the forbidden.

Hatzlacha !!

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