Sunday, February 11, 2007

How About Dirt ?

When Hashem tells us that we are supposed to worship Him and serve Him - we might expect that we would be required to exert ourselves to the utmost to do so in as grandiose fashion as possible - not so, says the Torah.

"An altar of earth you should make for me ... " ( Shemos 20:21 )

Hashem requires from you, not gold, not silver - just a little earth - and your devotion. As our sages teaches us "Rachmana Liba Bai " ( 'The Merciful One [Hashem] requires only the [devotion of the] heart').

So why does Hashem only ask for a mizbeach of earth ? Is this because the service is worth so little that it can be fulfilled on a mound of dirt ?
Is it because our inner devotion is so powerful it can transform a pile of mud into an Altar fit for serving the King of All Kings ?

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