Thursday, January 18, 2007

Are you Happy ?

My Rosh Yeshiva, Shlita, always used to ask me
- "Yoyav, are you happy ?!"

I believe the purpose of his question was not just to make sure things were going okay with me.
I think it stemmed from a unique perspective on the dictum of Chazal, "Ivdu Es Hashem BeSimcha"

One can understand it to mean - serve Hashem while being happy, 'besimcha' with happiness - while you perform your mitzvos and other services for Him.

However, the meaning projected here - is 'serve Hashem with your happiness' ! The happiness isn't a condition or mindframe while serving Hashem - it IS the service itself !

Why do some things make some people happy and others do not ? The answer is that Hashem created us uniquely, each one with a sense of what will make us happy. When we are happy we are in fact fulfilling our individual destiny - our mission from on high. Proof ? We're happy !! We are answering the echo of that which Hashem created within us.

So when we want to know how we are doing spiritually - we must ask ourselves
- "Are we happy ?!"

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