We see that the Jewish calendar is rather divinely inspired and in perfect harmony with the school year, even when we are out of school we still end up pacing our years in the same method.
We needed to start anew and afresh with the Yamim Noraaim - and have Hashem wipe the slate clean in order to be ready for the year. After all that praying and cleansing we felt so pure that we could just dive into a mitzva with our whole bodies ! (We sit in the Succah with our entire bodies ! The Lulav & Esrog represent our main limbs ) The long, dark winter set in - we felt estranged from hashem ( chas ve'shalom ! ) so we received a gift of light ! to carry us through.
With most of the winter gone, and our roots strengthening in the soil of Torah - our 'sap' is starting to finally rise within us and we can now begin to think about bearing fruits. As we know - fruits aren't the product of intense concentration on the part of a tree - the tree just focuses on growing and absorbing and assimilating nutrients into itself. The fruit is the byproduct of this focus. It's what happens when the tree builds up it's goodness to the bursting point. If we approach our own growth in order to 'see what we've gained' then we are missing the point. For example - if we want to be the kind of person who loses herself in the sweet words of Tehillim for a half hour every day - taking out a stopwatch is the wrong way to go about it !! If I am concerned that my chessed resume isn't so impressive - going out to do something for someone else - so I can really do it for myself - is missing the boat completely !
It's our job to concentrate on soaking up the 'nutrients' of Torah - the 'fruits' - our maasim tovim - will proceed on their own as a natural outcropping of this. So as we celebrate the renewal of trees and the approach of springtime - remember - "Think Tree !"