Friday, September 22, 2006

Go(d) team !!

"We won ! We won !!" Those shouts could be heard echoing all through downtown, especially the bar district. The hometown team had just won the championship and there was a general ecstasy surrounding the entire city. Everyone felt a part of it. They were proud of their team - they were proud of themselves.

"What a load of simpletons !", The cynic sneered contemptuously.
"They are walking around lording their victory over 'lesser mortals' - they didn't even do anything ! Did that lady over there score the winning point ? No. Did that fat man make the defensive play that saved the victory ? Hardly. They are just fooling themselves into believing they had a part in it and relieving the tedium of their lives with sports as their chosen opiate."

"Not so", said the wise man, "While the fans were not on the field - it was their encouragement, if not devotion, that gave the players the impetus to succeed. Any player will tell you he does better with a hundred thousand fans cheering him on than in training. Have you ever heard of any records being broken on the practice field ? Their effort is linked to the fans."

Kal vachomer when we speak of cheering on - or supporting - or coronating Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

A cynic would claim that G-d's kingdom lacks nothing that a mere mortal can give Him. Yet, on Rosh HaShanna we do just that - pledge to Hashem the one thing He doesn't already have - our hearts.

On this holy day - we proclaim to Hashem - "Not only are you the G-d - you are also my G-d - and I am your loyal servant."

Kesiva Vechasima Tova L'Kol Am Yisrael !

R' Druyan

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